Guizhou Normal University



Colorful Guizhou·Guizhou Culture——2021 Chinese Bridge Delegation Online.GZNU


China is a multi-ethnic country. Each ethnic group has its own characteristics in language, dress and diet. The colorful ethnic customs ethnic groups show the rich connotations of Chinese culture. As one of the major regional cultures in China, Guizhou culture shows the cultural charm of "colorful Guizhou" under the profound historical background and unique ethnic culture. As one of the cradles of ancient human in China, Guizhou has rich historical and cultural heritage, and its regional culture has a long history and is unique. The event will be in guizhou culture as the main body, around the "national costume""national dance""qian diet" "qian tea culture""DongZhai culture""national music" six sectors, such as to carry out the eight-day rich and interesting course, enjoy a long history of buyi embroidery, open overseas students to study and understand the culture of minorities in guizhou's journey; Guiyang silk doll on the tip of the tongue, appreciate the unique charm of guizhou food culture; Listen to the enthusiastic Dong family with beautiful songs, feel their simple hospitality feelings; Walk into guizhou tea culture, comprehend the profound connotation of the Chinese nation's tea culture and so on. Through the teaching and communication of these contents, overseas students can be encouraged to broaden their cultural horizon, appreciate the regional culture with Guizhou characteristics, feel the charm of Chinese culture, enhance their understanding of different cultures, and thus promote cultural exchanges among different ethnic groups in the world.




Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程