音乐篇:侗族大歌 - 贵州师范大学 - 多彩贵州·黔地文化—贵州师范大学2021汉语桥线上团组 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Colorful Guizhou·Guizhou Culture——2021 Chinese Bridge Delegation Online.GZNU


Music:Grand Song of the Dong Ethnic Group


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Grand song is a general name of Dong multi-voice folk songs of the Dong ethnic group. It is a form of chorus,usually with a high note of the leading singer while the others echoing in bass notes. All the life experiences about the history of the nation, the teachings of forefathers, the rules of good behaviors, and even knowledge about food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc. are compiled into their songs. Therefore, the songs depict the process of creating the world and fighting against the hardness of the nature by Dong ancestors. As the voice of an ethnic group and a human culture, Grand song of the Dong ethnic group was included in UNESCO's List of Human Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection in 2009. The course helps students understand the history, formation, and characteristics of Grand songs, etc. and realize the unique charm of Chinese minority culture by introducing relevant content of Grand songs in Guizhou and sharing relevant videos and


General Courses 通用课程