侗乡第一寨:肇兴侗寨 - 贵州师范大学 - 多彩贵州·黔地文化—贵州师范大学2021汉语桥线上团组 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Colorful Guizhou·Guizhou Culture——2021 Chinese Bridge Delegation Online.GZNU


The first Village of Dong Township: Zhaoxing Dong Village


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Zhaoxing Dong Village, located in Liping County, southeast Guizhou Province, is the largest Dong village in southeast Guizhou province and the folk culture center of the Dong people. Zhaoxing Dong Village is surrounded by mountains on all sides. The village is built in a basin in the mountain, and a river joined by two streams flows across it. The houses in the village are stilted houses of stilt style, row upon row, well arranged, all made of fir wood, hard top covered with small grey green tiles, simple and practical. This course aims to guide students to view Zhaoxing Dong Village, understand the culture of Dong people, appreciate the beauty of Dong village architecture, and feel the unique style of Chinese ethnic architecture through livestream videos.


General Courses 通用课程