美食篇:美味的丝娃娃 - 贵州师范大学 - 多彩贵州·黔地文化—贵州师范大学2021汉语桥线上团组 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Colorful Guizhou·Guizhou Culture——2021 Chinese Bridge Delegation Online.GZNU


Food: Delicious silk doll


Course Syllabus 课程章节


"A skin of ten dishes, silk rolls like a baby." Silk dolls, also known as plain spring rolls, are a common local traditional snack in Guiyang, Guizhou Province. Silk dolls are generally vegetarian, sour and spicy crisp, appetizing and invigorating, with the appearance of a baby wrapped in "swaddling". This course aims to open the door of international students' understanding of Guizhou food culture with Guiyang Silk doll as the key, so that international students can feel the unique charm of Chinese food culture. The main contents of the course include: short essay study of Delicious Silk doll, video appreciation of Silk doll, livestream Silk doll handmaking methods, etc.


General Courses 通用课程