服饰篇:布依族刺绣 - 贵州师范大学 - 多彩贵州·黔地文化—贵州师范大学2021汉语桥线上团组 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Colorful Guizhou·Guizhou Culture——2021 Chinese Bridge Delegation Online.GZNU


Costume:Buyi Embroidery


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Embroidery, known as the art of fingertips, is one of the traditional Chinese folk handicrafts. Due to the characteristics of the ethnic minorities living in compact communities, minority embroidery represented by the embroidery of the Dong, Songtao and Buyi ethnic minorities, has been formed. Whether it is the colorful Dong embroidery, the exaggerated and romantic Songtao Miao embroidery, or the subtle and elegant Buyi embroidery, all of them show the wisdom and ingenuity of the minority people in life. This course guide overseas students to understand Chinese embroidery, appreciate folk customs and further cultivate their interest in embroidery through appreciating embroidery works and watching the process of making embroidery.


General Courses 通用课程