Tianjin Municipal Education Commission



Chinese New Year--The Customs of Spring Festival


The Spring Festival, the first day of the first lunar month, is the traditional Chinese New Year. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is sacred and irreplaceable in the hearts of the Chinese people owing to many interesting customs. The “Chinese Bridge” On-Line Group of the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission closely focuses on the theme of Spring Festival customs, demonstrating distinctive cultural characteristics. Chinese learning related to the Spring Festival will be integrated with experience of Chinese culture and historical sites, with a combination of real-time teaching, online interaction and video courses to fully display the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the country pursuing development.

春节,即农历正月初一,是一年之岁首,亦为传统意义上的“年节”。春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一,春节之所以在每个中国人心中有着神圣不可替代的地位和春节有很多有趣的习俗相关。 本次天津市教委“汉语桥”线上团组紧紧围绕春节习俗这个主题开展,具有鲜明的中国文化特色,将春节这一特定时间的汉语学习和中国文化体验及历史名胜浏览相结合,采用实时授课、线上互动和视频课程相结合的方式,全面展示中国优秀传统文化及当代发展中国。

General Courses 通用课程