Communication University Of Zhejiang


The emblem of the Asian Games is named as "Tides Surging". "Tide" represents the unceasing flow of the Qiantang River and the spirit of the "Tide Raiser" who dares to try and strive to be the first in the era. Adhering to the principle of "letting the thousand-year Song rhyme 'flow' up and 'pass on' in the new era", the program will disseminate the traditional Chinese culture in the method that is interesting, understandable and learnable to the overseas Z-age group and trigger the resonance of the campers. We will interpret the Qiantang "tide" culture from the perspective of the trend of the new era, and bring the traditional Chinese culture to the forefront of the world.

本次亚运会的会徽名为“潮涌”。 “潮”,即代表钱塘江的奔流不息,又代表走在时代前列敢于尝试勇于争先的“弄潮儿”精神。而本项目也正是秉承“让千年宋韵在新时代‘流动’起来、 ‘传承’下去”的理念,以新时代潮流视角解读钱塘“潮”文化, 将中国传统文化用海外Z时代群体感兴趣、听得懂、学得会的方式进行传播,引发营员共鸣。

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