Binzhou Advanced Technology High School



The Art of War by Sun Tzu, as the first book of war in ancient China and a world-famous military work, is known as the "holy book of military science", famous in China and the world. Binzhou Advanced Technology High School's “Seeking the Footprint of Soldiers and Learning the Essence of the Art of War -- Entering Sun Tzu's Hometown and Exploring Cultural China” project aims to enable overseas Chinese learners to increase their understanding of Chinese traditional culture and Sun Tzu's culture, and to feel and experience the profound connotation and unlimited charm of Chinese culture. The project includes Chinese knowledge, some of the strategies of Sun Tzu's Thirty Six Tactics of War and the profound truth and Chinese cultural connotation behind it. In addition, the course also covers a large number of live videos, leading students to research bases such as Sun Tzu Military Science City, so that students can experience the greatness of the ancient Chinese. Other research and experience activities, such as the introduction of Binzhou traditional food and the production of Binzhou clay sculpture, are also covered, so that students can have a more intuitive and comprehensive understanding of Binzhou's local customs and the current situation of contemporary China. This winter camp expects the students to use their knowledge to contribute to the enhancement of the traditional friendship between the Russian and Chinese people, to the inheritance and development of bilateral friendship, to the promotion of bilateral cultural exchanges, and to the promotion of cooperation in various fields.


Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程