滨州泥塑 - 滨州高新高级中学 - 寻兵圣足迹,习兵法精髓——走进孙子故里,探寻文化中国 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Seeking the Footprint of Soldiers and Learning the Essence of the Art of War -- Entering Sun Tzu’s Hometown and Exploring Cultural China


Binzhou clay sculpture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese traditional folk art is a craft inherited from Chinese folk and has a long history. Chinese folk art is an important part of Chinese folk culture, and it is also a link for the Chinese people to communicate their feelings. The top ten traditional folk arts in China include Chinese paper cutting, New Year pictures, embroidery, clay sculpture, kites, shadow play, etc. Today we will focus on the clay sculpture.

中国传统民间技艺是中国民间传承下来的工艺,有着悠久的历史。中国民间技艺是中华民俗文化的重要组成部分,也是炎黄子孙沟通情感的纽带。中国十大传统民间技艺有中国剪纸、 年画、刺绣、陶瓷、花灯、泥塑、木雕、风筝、竹编、皮影戏。今天咱们就重点来认识一下——泥塑。

Course Syllabus


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