孙子兵法城 - 滨州高新高级中学 - 寻兵圣足迹,习兵法精髓——走进孙子故里,探寻文化中国 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Seeking the Footprint of Soldiers and Learning the Essence of the Art of War -- Entering Sun Tzu’s Hometown and Exploring Cultural China


Sun Tzu Military Science City


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The Military Science City of Sun Tzu in China is the first holy temple of Chinese military science built on the basis of the ancient city ruins of Song Dynasty with a history of 1000 years. It is a large-scale cultural tourism landscape in Shandong Province. Let's walk into Sun Tzu Military Science City and enjoy the military secrets Sun Tzu has brought us!


General Courses 通用课程