黄河楼展厅 - 滨州高新高级中学 - 寻兵圣足迹,习兵法精髓——走进孙子故里,探寻文化中国 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Seeking the Footprint of Soldiers and Learning the Essence of the Art of War -- Entering Sun Tzu’s Hometown and Exploring Cultural China


Huanghe Tower Exhibition Hall


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The Yellow River has nurtured a brilliant Chinese civilization, and the Yellow River culture has condensed into the tenacious national character and spirit of the Chinese people. The Yellow River Building is a public building integrating tourism, Yellow River culture, calligraphy, painting and handicrafts. It is a landmark new highlight of Binzhou City and one of the important landscapes along the Yellow River.


General Courses 通用课程