Zhejiang University of Science and Technology



“Green Buildings for Future”is a Chinese Bridge Program that aims to help international students to learn Chinese language and acquire professional skills in architecture and civil engineering simultaneously.It includes 11 recorded courses such as The History of Chinese Architecture, Interior Design, Hangzhou Asian Games Venues, Roof Greening and Vertical Greening, etc. These courses uncover the past, the presence and the prospect of Chinese architecture, with an focus on green buildings and low-carbon buildings, which endeavors to minimize carbon emission and deliver carbon neutrality in buildings’ life span to contribute to 2030 SDGs. International students are expected to acquire basic knowledge on architecture and civil engineering and learn to be An Architect of Tomorrow.

汉语桥“中文+职业技能”线上团组项目“绿色智造,‘筑’ 就未来”同期开设汉语课程和职业技能培训课程,在常规汉语课基础上,推出中国建筑发展史、室内设计、杭州亚运项目、建筑屋顶和立体绿化等11个专业录播课程,帮助学生了解中国建筑的过去、现状与未来,深入了解我国独有的建筑文化和内涵;同时对如何实现绿色建筑、低碳建筑从而助力低碳社会建设形成感知认识和一定的理性认知,能够知其然并知所以然,从而成为小小未来建筑师。

General Courses 通用课程