Hebei Normal University



Welcome to China: Hebei Normal University's "Chinese Bridge" Indonesian Delegation Online Program is aimed at junior school students of Chinese Culture for Indonesia and Great Crystal School. The program covers courses on "My City," "My Campus," "I Love Food," "I Love Music," "Discussing Celebrities," "Let's Talk Art," "I Love Travelling," and many more. The classes are taken through live streaming, interactive sessions, and recorded videos. The courses are designed to aid students in learning vocabulary and grammar and strengthen their listening and speaking skills through dialogues. We take you on a fascinating virtual tour of China and Hebei, where you will experience Chinese food, beautiful scenery, traditional arts, and intangible cultural heritage. Students also experience the Hebei Normal University's campus and life on campus. They get to improve their Chinese proficiency, meet new people, and make new friends through these interactions.

河北师范大学“汉语桥”印度尼西亚学生线上团组项目“知行中国”面向由印尼华裔中华乐趣学苑Chinese Culture for Indonesia与伟晶学校Great Crystal School联合组织的印尼中学生,包括“我的城市”“我的校园”“我爱美食”“我爱音乐”“说说明星”“谈谈艺术”“我爱旅游”等主题,通过直播课、交流分享课、视频课等课程形式,针对贴中学生熟悉并喜爱的话题进行讨论,让学生在对话交流中学习词汇及重点语法,强化听说训练,视、听、说、玩相结合,寓教于乐。本课程通过网络带大家神游中国,品味河北,一起去了解中国美食、美景,体验河北绚丽的传统艺术、非物质文化遗产以及河北师范大学校园风光和河北师范大学中国学生在线互动交流,感受中国大学生的日常生活,在互动交流中提高汉语,结交朋友,收获友谊。

Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程