神游河北 - 河北师范大学 - 知行中国——“汉语桥”印度尼西亚学生线上团组项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Welcome to China:“Chinese Bridge” Indonesian Delegation Online Program


Charm of the Beautiful Hebei


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Hebei surrounds Beijing and Tianjin, borders the Bo Sea to the east, the Central Plains to the south, Taihang to the west, and Yan Mountain to the north. It covers an area of 188,000 square kilometers and has a population of more than 74.7 million. The unique location makes Hebei attract lots of attention. The splendid historical culture and magnificent mountains and rivers have created a colorful and pleasant tourist attraction in Hebei. This course is sectioned into four parts: Blue Coast, Green Landscape, Golden Culture, and Colorful Folklore. From the coast of the Bo Sea to the plains and villages, from the dam's grassland to the Yan Mountains and Taihang, the rich history and culture, the extensive transportation network, the colorful folk customs, and the charming Yanzhao culture, everyone gets to experience the charm of the beautiful Hebei.



General Courses 通用课程