绚丽的河北非物质文化 - 河北师范大学 - 知行中国——“汉语桥”印度尼西亚学生线上团组项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Welcome to China:“Chinese Bridge” Indonesian Delegation Online Program


Colorful Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Hebei Province


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Hebei province has a long history and a large population. It is a gathering place for multiple cultures and ethnic groups and has a rich and colorful immaterial cultural heritage. This course mainly introduces the first batch of cultural resources added to the National Immaterial Cultural Heritage List. There are six of them; they include Wuqiao Acrobatics, Jingxing Garland, Hengshui Painting, Yang Style Taijiquan, and Tangshan Pingju. The teacher's explanation, attached pictures, and videos will help students intuitively feel Hebei's cultural characteristics and local customs.


General Courses 通用课程