Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College


CHINESE BRIDGE-“Online Gathering to Explore Charming Changsha”Winter Camp is an online program of Chinese Bridge Delegation, organized by Hunan Mass Media Vocational & Technical College. The winter camp will be held in January, 2023 for 12 days, with more than 130 students from then countries along “the Belt and Road”, like Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia, participating. It includes 6 live Chinese classes, 4 live Chinese culture lectures and a variety of video clips. The winter camp will help foreign students learn Chinese online, make friends, enjoy Hunan culture, perceive Chinese culture, and strengthen cultural exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

“汉语桥”“共赴中文之约 云旅魅力长沙”线上冬令营活动是由湖南大众传媒职业技术学院承办的“汉语桥”线上交流团组项目。冬令营将于2023年1月举行,为期12天,共有来自泰国、越南、马来西亚等“一带一路”沿线国家的130余名学员参加。冬令营共安排了6节直播中文课、4场直播中国文化主题讲座,以及丰富多彩的录播视频课程。学员们将在线上学中文、交朋友、赏湖湘,感知和理解中国文化,加强各国的文化交流和文明的互学互鉴。

General Courses 通用课程