Changchun Polytechnic



Learn Charming Chinese and Guide Beautiful Jilin Province------2022 Chinese Bridge Delegation Online is mainly aimed at foreign students who interested in Chinese from all over the world. Relying on the professional skills training advantages of Tourism College in Changchun Polytechnic and based on the culture and tourism resources of Jilin Province, it provides a platform for students to learn Chinese, experience Chinese culture and the tour guide profession. "Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice and snow."Jilin Province is located in the golden latitude zone of ice and snow in the world, with rich tourism resources and profound cultural heritage.Through this group project, teachers will lead students to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jilin Province and feel the professional charm of the tour guide. This project aims to the position as a tour guide based on the tourism industry. We teach Chinese through live broadcast of situational Chinese and professional Chinese and cultivate students' basic knowledge and application of Chinese.Students can learn, practice and interact with each other under the instruction and guidance of the instructor. They can also try to practice Chinese daily expressions and the basic explanation exercises of tour guides. The project takes Chinese culture and tourism resources of Jilin Province as the carrier. It carries out teaching through three modules of cultural experience, professional experience and post learning to cultivate students' ability to understand Chinese connotation and the guides’ professional application.

“学魅力中文 导美丽吉林”2022“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目项目,主要面向各国对汉语感兴趣的外国学生,依托长春职业技术学院旅游学院职业技能培养优势,立足吉林省文化和旅游资源,为同学们提供一个学习汉语、感受中国文化、体验导游职业的平台。“北国风光, 千里冰封, 万里雪飘。”吉林省地处世界冰雪黄金纬度带,旅游资源丰富、文化底蕴深厚。通过此次团组项目,老师们将带领学员领略吉林省的美景,感受导游讲解的职业魅力。



Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程