Tianjin Foreign Studies University



This program mainly includes four parts: "Romance in Traditional Times - Chinese Culture in Magic Dramas", "Nature of the Hero - Chinese Culture in Martial Arts Dramas", "Travel in the Palace - Chinese Culture in Court Dramas", and " History as a Mirror - Chinese Culture in Historical Dramas". By watching classical costume dramas such as The Journey to the West, The Legend of Gods, The Legend of the Condor Heroes, The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, Empresses in the Palace, Story of Yanxi Palace, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Emperor Kang Xi, we can experience four worlds of “the mythology, the Jianghu, the palace and the imperial court”, and get a close-up detail of the Chinese traditional culture such as etiquette and order, heaven and earth, moral concepts, and philosophical ideas in the drama, and understand Chinese people’s insights in nature and mankind, self-cultivation, righteousness, wisdom in promoting talents, people-oriented mindset, good governments and rule by law. Upon completion, TFSU will issue the participant a certificate of completion.

本活动主要有“上古的浪漫-神话剧中的中国文化”、“英雄本色-武侠剧中的中国文化”、“宫中行-宫廷剧中的中国文化”、 “读史明鉴-历史剧中的中国文化”四大模块。通过对《西游记》和《封神榜》、《射雕英雄传》和《倚天屠龙记》、《甄嬛传》和《延禧攻略》、《三国演义》和《康熙王朝》等经典古装剧的赏析,畅游神话、江湖、宫廷和朝堂四个世界,透视剧中的礼序乾坤、道德观念、哲学思想等中国传统文化,了解中国人的天人之道、修身之道、义利之道、用人之道、民本之道、廉政之道和法治之道。完成全部课程学习与体验,由天津外国语大学颁发结业证书。

Courses 课程

General Courses 通用课程