Zhengzhou University



With the theme of "Ancient capital new features, Travel Online, Walk into the Central Plains of China", the activity combines live broadcasting and recorded courses, and skillfully combines cultural perception and language learning by teaching the charming stories of the Central Plains culture, and we have carefully designed courses such as travel online, Kung fu learning, modern science and technology, and food experience to attract students to learn and understand the culture of the Henan, help students feel the unique charm of the Central Plains culture at close range, promote the improvement of Chinese proficiency in the process of learning.

本次活动以“古都新貌 云端畅游 共话中原”为主题,将直播与录播相结合,以讲授中原文化魅力故事的形式,巧妙地将文化感知与语言学习结合起来,设计了云端畅游、功夫学习、现代科技、美食体验等课程,吸引学生走近中原,学习和了解中原文化,帮助学生近距离感受中原文化的独特魅力,在学习和体验中原文化的过程中提升中文水平。

General Courses 通用课程