云游河南——功夫之源少林寺 - 郑州大学 - 古都新貌 云端畅游 共话中原 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Ancient capital new features,Travel online,Walk into the Central Plains of China

古都新貌 云端畅游 共话中原

Traveling in Henan Online: Birthplace of Chinese Kung Fu - Shaolin Temple


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Shaolin Temple is a world-famous Buddhist monastery and the ancestral home of Zen Buddhism. It is known as "the first temple in the world". It is famous all over the world because of the Shaolin Kungfu which were devotedly researched, created and developed continuously by Shaolin monks of all dynasties.


General Courses 通用课程