云游河南——吃“汴”宋城 - 郑州大学 - 古都新貌 云端畅游 共话中原 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Ancient capital new features,Travel online,Walk into the Central Plains of China

古都新貌 云端畅游 共话中原

Traveling in Henan Online: A Bite of Kaifeng


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Kaifeng is a city with a long history, and the food culture also has a long history. Filling soup dumplings, fried jelly, pot stickers, almond tea... The smell of delicious food permeates the whole city, attracting the taste buds of the guests. Let’s taste the delicious food of Kaifeng.


General Courses 通用课程