Shandong Urban Construction Vocational College



Lu Ban was the most outstanding "craftsman of a great country" in ancient China, known as the "ancestor of all craftsmen". Starting from manufacturing and sublimating creation, Lu ban created a group of Chinese craftsmen and is a sage of Chinese craftsman culture. This project takes Lu ban culture as the carrier, and is aimed at zero-basic, elementary, intermediate and advanced learners. It starts with telling the story of Lu ban, teaches the Chinese language from the shallower to the deeper, spreads the spirit of craftsman, Lu ban spirit and traditional Chinese architectural culture, so that students can understand Lu ban, understand Chinese mortise and tenon structure, understand traditional Chinese construction art and technology, such as "Lu ban Learning Art", "Lu ban Invention", "Lu ban Lock", "Dou gong", brick carving, stone carving, wood carving, Chinese gardens, etc., so that students can both Able to speak Chinese, but also understand Chinese Lu ban culture and craftsman spirit, feel the profoundness of Chinese culture, and through dismantling Lu ban locks and making mortise and tenon structures, to achieve the effect of explaining Lu ban culture, craftsman spirit and Chinese wisdom well.


General Courses 通用课程