
Xi'an Kedagaoxin University is a full-time ordinary undergraduate independent college approved by the Ministry of Education and sponsored by Xi’an University of Science and Technology, and is also one of the institutions approved by the state to recruit foreign students. Covering science, engineering, management, literature, arts and other disciplines, with nearly 15,000 students, the college is the independent college with the largest number of students in Shaanxi Province. Since 2003, the College has been engaged in international exchange and international student education, and has cooperated with a number of overseas institutions in international Chinese education programmes, including the University of Kent in the UK, Jeonju University in Korea, Lingnan University of Technology in Korea and Sunflower International Language School in Bangkok, Thailand. The College has now formed a multi-channel development pattern of international students, long-term language students, short-term language students, preparatory students and exchange students, and has trained hundreds of outstanding language students and academic students from dozens of countries such as the UK, Belgium, Russia, Korea, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Mongolia, Thailand and Turkmenistan. In recent years, we have actively participated in various competitions organized by the Centre for Center for language education and cooperation. In 2020, four international students from our school won excellent prizes in the "Chinese Bridge" global Chinese dubbing competition for foreigners; in 2021, the "Chinese Bridge" online group exchange program "Travel to Xi'an" was successfully approved etc.

西安科技大学高新学院是经中国教育部批准,由西安科技大学主办的全日制普通本科独立学院,也是获国家批准招收外国留学生的院校之一。学院涵盖理、工、管、文、艺等多个学科门类,在校学生近1.5 万人,是陕西省在校生人数规模最大的独立学院。学院自 2003 年起就开始了国际交流以及留学生教育事业,与海外多所院校开展国际中文教育项目合作,包括英国肯特大学、韩国全州大学、韩国岭南理工大学、泰国曼谷向日葵国际语文学校等。我院现已形成留学生学历生、长期语言进修生、短期语言进修生、预科生及交换生的多渠道发展格局,先后培养了数百名来自英国、比利时、俄罗斯、韩国、泰国、老挝、柬埔寨、蒙古、泰国、土库曼斯坦等数十多个国家的优秀语言进修生及学历生。近年来,我院积极参加教育部中外语言交流合作中心主办的各级各类比赛,2020年我校四名留学生参加“汉语桥”全球外国人中文配音大赛获优秀奖;2021年我院申报的“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目“云游十三朝古都-西安”成功立项获批等。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程