Taiyuan University Of Technology



Shanxi is known as the three Jin Dynasty in history. As one of the important origins of Chinese civilization, the land of the three Jin Dynasty is beautiful and beautiful, and the regional cultural resources are rich and colorful. The unique geographical environment, political history and regional customs of Shanxi Province have created the unique local residential buildings in the three Jin region. With its rich types, distinctive regional characteristics and profound historical heritage, Shanxi folk houses have become the representative of Chinese local characteristic buildings. The project takes "Travelling the folk houses in Shanxi Province virtually Savoring the beauty of Shanxi architecture online" as the theme and adopts the combination of Chinese learning and online cultural experience, and the combination of recorded courses and live courses to show Shanxi residential buildings to overseas students in an all-round and multi-level way. The Chinese learning courses closely focus on the theme of Shanxi folk houses and other cultural characteristics of Shanxi. While helping overseas students improve their Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, it leads them to feel the richness and diversity of Shanxi culture, so as to lay the foundation for the follow-up online cultural experience courses. The online cultural experience courses focus on Shanxi residential buildings, and helps overseas students understand the types, characteristics, historical context and cultural heritage of Shanxi residential buildings, and leads them to feel and understand the unique charm of Shanxi residential buildings. This project will help to enhance overseas students' understanding and recognition of Shanxi culture, and then stimulate overseas students' interest and understanding of Chinese excellent culture.

山西史称三晋,作为中华文明的重要起源地之一,三晋大地钟灵毓秀,地域文化资源丰富多彩,山西省独特的地理环境、政治历史及地域风俗等因素,铸就了三晋地区独具特色的地方民居建筑。山西民居以其丰富的类型、鲜明的地域特色和深厚的历史底蕴,成为了中国 地方特色建筑的代表。

太原理工大学 2022 年“汉语桥”线上团组项目以“云游山西民 居,品味晋筑晋美”为主题,采用汉语学习与文化云体验相结合、录播课程与直播课程相搭配的的形式,全方位、多层次地向海外学生展 示山西民居建筑。汉语学习课程紧密围绕山西民居以及其他山西文化 特色主题,在帮助海外学生提高汉语听说读写能力的同时,带领其感 受山西文化的丰富多彩,为后续的文化云体验课程奠定基础;文化云体验课程聚焦山西民居建筑,帮助海外学生了解山西民居建筑的类型、特征以及历史脉络、人文底蕴等内容,带领其感受并领悟山西民居建筑的独特魅力。本项目有助于增进海外学生对山西文化的了解和认同,进而激发海外学生对中华优秀文化的兴趣与感悟。

General Courses 通用课程