Northwest University of Political Science and Law



Themed as “A Trip to Xi’an, A Taste of China”,the program consists of two modules, namely Urban Culture in Xi’an & Language Training and Traditional Chinese Culture, 19 course hours in total. The first module Urban Culture in Xi’an & Language Training consists of ten live courses (one hour each). As a perfect combination of language learning and introduction to historical sites in time-honored Xi’an City, it is intended to close the culture gap and enable learners to improve their Chinese through an immersive city tour. The second module Traditional Chinese Culture consist of 9 recorded courses, including Traditional Chinese Costume, Chinese Dance, Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Tea, The Silk Road and Xi’an. This module integrates traditional Chinese culture into a chronicle of Xi’an, presenting a fusion of traditional and modern Chinese culture in Xi’an. The program enables students to learn about the achievements of modern China, and form a true understanding of Xi’an and China through live and recorded courses and activities including online interaction, class notes, group discussion, and presentation.

本次线上团组交流项目将以“游古城西安,品中华韵味”为主题,包括西安城市文化+语言专题课程和中国优秀传统文化课程两大模块,共计19课时。其中语言直播课程共计10课时(每课时60分钟),均以直播形式进行,课程的讲授将以跨文化视角借助西安这一历史名城具有历史底蕴的旅游景点,将景点文化与语言讲授相融合,让学生在游览西安景点的过程中学习汉语。中国优秀传统文化以录播方式进行,包括《中国传统服饰文化》、《中国舞蹈文化》、《中国书法文化》、《中国茶文化》、《丝绸之路与西安》等9门课程。课程将中国优秀传统文化与西安的过去、现在与未来相互结合,多视角、全方位、高水平展示中国传统文化与西安的璀璨文明和当代风貌。   学员将通过互动式授课、线上交流、学习成果展示、观看录播课程、撰写学习笔记、进行课下讨论等多种形式,感受当代中国社会发展,真正了解中国,了解西安。

Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程