Hebei Vocational University of Industry and Technology



As an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, the land of Yanzhao has formed a rich and unique regional culture after thousands of years of accumulation. There are Anji bridge——the oldest in existence, the longest in span and the best preserved single open-spandrel stone segmental arch bridge in the world, Longxing temple——the ancient architecture museum of nine continuous dynasties, gilt bronze human-shaped lamp and jade burial suit sewn with gold thread in the Western Han Dynasty, pyrography——national intangible cultural heritage. The "Yanzhao treasure and architectural ingenuity" Chinese Bridge Project will lead students to learn Chinese language and culture, understand the wooden structure, door and window, pavilion and corridor, caisson, bucket arch, pagoda temple and other architectural features of ancient Chinese architecture, appreciate the different skills of embroidery of fire needle on paper, gourd and wood, draw traditional patterns of ancient Chinese architecture, visit ancient architectural treasures and national major cultural relics. Welcome to join the "Chinese Bridge" learning.



Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程