九朝不断代——正定隆兴寺 - 河北工业职业技术大学 - 燕赵瑰宝、建筑匠心 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Yanzhao Treasure and Architectural Ingenuity


“Nine Dynasties—Longxing Temple in Zhengding”


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese Bridge Project Cloud Visiting Session "Nine Dynasties-Longxing Temple in Zhengding" is a course designed to introduce Longxing Temple, an ancient temple with a millennium in Zhengding, Hebei, and its profound cultural heritage. The course will lead you to visit mani Hall, an isolated example of architecture in the Song Dynasty, the Hall-back-Guanyin, praised by Lu Xun as the "Orient Beauty", the earliest existing "revolving bookshelf" in China, the earliest existing "Longzang Temple Tablet" in China. the world’s tallest and oldest Guanyin Bodhisattva with Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes among the ancient bronze Buddha statues in the world, and the most exquisite bronze Buddha Vairocana with their own characteristics and highlights in ancient China. To share the feelings of art and beauty with the students through the screen,Make the course of the visit link truly immersive, easily acquire knowledge through lens advancement and perspective conversion, complete the study, recognize and understand the extremely high historical, scientific and artistic value of Longxing Temple, and make this thousand-year-old ancient temple rejuvenated again and became famous overseas.



General Courses 通用课程