Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics


Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (hereinafter referred to as JUFE), founded in 1923, is located in Nanchang, the capital city of Jiangxi Province. Jointly sponsored and governed by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, and the Government of Jiangxi Province, JUFE is a higher institution which specializes in economics and management-related disciplines and enjoys a coordinated development with other disciplines such as law, engineering, humanities, sciences, philosophy, history and arts. JUFE has under its umbrella 16 teaching schools, namely the School of Business Administration, the School of Public Finance and Public Administration, the School of Accounting, the School of International Trade and Economics, the School of Economics, the School of Finance, the School of Statistics, the School of Information Management, the School of Tourism and Urban Management, the School of Software and Internet of Things Engineering(UF Software College), the School of Foreign Languages, the School of Humanities, the School of Law, the School of Art, the School of Physical Education and the School of Marxism Studies. JUFE boasts four campuses under its name, covering a total area of 1.46 million square meters and a construction area of over 1 million square meters. The university has a collection of 8.62 million books. The campus encompasses beautiful scenery and unique landscapes and it is one of the 300 best greening units in China. JUFE is committed to opening up and seeks to expand cooperation and partnership with more universities from overseas and beyond the borders. Currently, JUFE enjoys stable partnership with such 140 universities in 40 countries and regions as the New York Institute of Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), the McMaster University, the University of Southampton, Audencia Business School, Monash University, University of Oulu, Aalborg University, Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL). In May 2016, the Confucius Institute, which was co-built in the Uni

江西财经大学创办于1923年,坐落于江西省省会城市南昌,是一所财政部、教育部、江西省人民政府共建,以经济、管理类学科为主,法、工、文、理、艺术等学科协调发展的高等财经学府。学校设有16个本科教学学院,拥有17个国家级一流本科专业建设点、6个国家级特色专业、10个省级特色专业、11个省级一流专业。 学校现有蛟桥园、麦庐园、枫林园、青山园四个校区。占地面积共2200余亩,建筑面积100余万平方米,馆藏各类图书862万册。校园幽香雅静,错落有致,层重叠翠,湖光潋滟,是全国绿化300佳单位之一。 学校坚持开放办学,与美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳—香槟分校、美国纽约理工大学、加拿大麦克马斯特大学、英国南安普顿大学、法国南特高等商学院、澳大利亚莫纳什大学、芬兰奥卢大学、丹麦奥尔堡大学、葡萄牙里斯本大学学院等40个国家和地区的140所高校建立了稳定的合作与交流关系。2016年5月学校与英国考文垂大学合作建设的孔子学院正式揭牌运行。 学校秉承“信敏廉毅”的校训和“敬业乐群、臻于至善”的大学精神,形成了培养具有“信敏廉毅”素质的创新创业型人才的办学特色。学校正努力朝着“基础厚实、特色鲜明、人民满意、国际知名的高水平财经大学”的发展目标,实现“百年名校”江财梦迈进。 

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程