East China University of Technology



With numerous mountains and waters, Jiangxi is one of the most important birthplaces of Chinese civilization. In the long course of its history, it has formed colourful humanistic characteristics and written a glorious chapter in Chinese civilization. From time immemorial, Jiangxi people have worked hard and lived in peace and contentment in this land blessed with “nature’s treasures and outstanding talents”. The hospitable Jiangxi people have also formed a unique Gan culture, and they communicate with the world with an inclusive and open attitude. GanPo culture is an important branch of Chinese culture which includes many regional subsystems, such as Xunyang culture, Yuzhang culture, Linchuan culture, Luling culture and Yuanzhou culture. East China University of Technology originated in Fuzhou of Jiangxi Province, where it is still located. The faculty has a deep understanding of Linchuan culture and an accurate grasp of Gan culture. With a focus on Gan culture, this winter camp will enable students to gain a historical, accurate, multidimensional and deep understanding of Jiangxi’s past and present by studying its mountains, waters, architecture and cuisine combined with language-learning.

江西, 名山林立,秀水遍布,是中华文明的重要发祥地之一。在历史的长河中,更形成了多彩的人文特色,为中华文明留下了浓墨重彩的壮丽篇章。自古以来,江西人民在这片“物华天宝、人杰地灵”的热土上辛勤劳作,安居乐业,也热情好客,形成了独特的赣文化,以包容和开放的姿态与世界交流。


General Courses 通用课程