


“Chinese Bridge” “Online Exchange Course on Ba-shu Culture” of Southwest University of Science and Technology.


"Chinese Bridge" “Online Exchange Course on Ba-shu Culture” is sponsored by Center for Language Education and Cooperation(CLEC) of the Chinese Education Ministry and undertaken by South West University of Science and Technology . This online exchange course will last for 15 days with 52 classes, and each class is about 30 minutes. Students can enjoy 3-4 different classes every day. We will offer courses on Chinese learning and cultural experiencing. In Chinese learning, a large number of graduate students who major in Chinese International Education have compiled teaching materials under the guidance of their instructors; four professors together with three children completed the recitation and scene play. The culture course gives high priority to the Ba-shu culture. There are 21 related scholars participating in the recording of the course, including traditional Chinese culture of calligraphy, poetry, Chinese painting, etc., as well as Ba-shu contemporary music creation, Bashu themed online novels, and tips to cook Sichuan cuisine. All courses have Chinese-English subtitles. In the future, Spanish will be added to facilitate learning.


General Courses 通用课程