Tongji University


Tongji University, one of China’s earliest national key universities, is a prestigious institution of higher education that is directly under the Ministry of Education (MOE) and is supported by the Shanghai Municipality. Already in its second centenary, the University has grown into a comprehensive and research-intensive university with distinctive features and an international reputation. In the QS World University Rankings 2022, Tongji University ranks 211th worldwide, and 8th in the Chinese mainland. The design major and architecture major both rank 13th worldwide and the civil engineering major ranks 23rd worldwide. Other advantageous majors include business administration, artificial intelligence, transportation engineering, and medicine.

同济大学历史悠久、声誉卓著,是中国最早的国立大学之一,是教育部直属并与上海市共建的全国重点大学。自1907年创办至今,同济大学已发展成为一所特色鲜明、在海内外有较大影响力的综合性、研究型、国际化大学,综合实力位居国内高校前列。在2022年的QS排名中,同济大学位列世界排名第211位,其中设计专业全球排名13 亚洲第一,建筑专业全球排名13,土木工程专业全球排名23。同样在各类学科排名中占据优势的还有工商管理、交通运输工程、机械工程。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程