Shijiazhuang No. 42 Middle School



Shijiazhuang No.42 Middle School, Hebei, China [Following the Footsteps of Yanzhao and Feeling the Chinese Civilization] Chinese Bridge • Chinese Culture "Air Classroom"

石家庄市第四十二中学汉语桥•“追寻燕赵足迹 感受华夏文明”项目

Chinese Bridge-Chinese Culture "Following the Footsteps of Yan and Zhao and Feeling Chinese Civilization" project takes traditional culture and language teaching as the breakthrough point, closely meets foreign students' cognitive needs of Chinese culture, combines language learning, starts from the surface of intangible cultural heritage, Courses such as basic Chinese, traditional Chinese painting, tea ceremony, Peking Opera, Chinese medicine, and oracle bone script are designed with prominent features and are closely related to Chinese learning, so as to interpret the deep Chinese cultural thoughts reflected in them and bring them a three-dimensional understanding of China.

汉语桥·中国文化“追寻燕赵足迹 感受华夏文明”项目以传统文化和语言教学为切入点,紧扣外国学生对中国文化的认知需求,结合语言学习,从非遗文化的表层着手,通过设计特色突出且与中文学习紧密相连的基础汉语、国画、茶道、京剧、中医药学、甲骨文等课程,为留学生解读其中折射的中国深层文化思想,带给留学生一个立体中国的认识。

Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程