中国文化课-京剧脸谱 - 石家庄42中 - 石家庄市第四十二中学汉语桥•“追寻燕赵足迹 感受华夏文明”项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Shijiazhuang No.42 Middle School, Hebei, China [Following the Footsteps of Yanzhao and Feeling the Chinese Civilization] Chinese Bridge • Chinese Culture "Air Classroom"

石家庄市第四十二中学汉语桥•“追寻燕赵足迹 感受华夏文明”项目

Chinese culture class - Peking Opera facial makeup


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese Culture Class-Peking Opera Mask: Introduce the quintessence of Peking Opera, watch a video about the ugliness of the end of life, and teach students how to draw masks.


General Courses 通用课程