Shanghai University of Finance and Economics


Language Learning and Culture Immersion


SUFE is one of the Chinese language promotional base. The university has hosted Chinese Bridge Summer Camps for students and professional learning for educators from around the world. Sponsored by Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC), the program enrolls overseas students who are interested in the Chinese language and Chinese culture. The two-week online program consists of Chinese language course, lectures on modern China, and cross-culture exchanges.

上海财经大学拥有国家级汉语推广基地,曾多次为来自世界各地的学生和学者举办过 “汉语桥”夏令营。本次线上团组交流项目受中外语言交流合作中心资助,面向对中国语言文化感兴趣的学员。项目为期两周,分为生存汉语、“当代中国”专题讲座、中外学生交流三大模块。

Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程