Shandong University


Shandong University, under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, is a key comprehensive university with a long history, a variety of disciplines, strong academic strength, and distinctive characteristics, which has great influence both at home and abroad. Shandong University is one of the initiative universities of modern Chinese higher education. Its medical school, established in 1864, signified the beginning of modern Chinese higher education. Its main body, Shandong Imperial College (Shandong Da Xue Tang) established in 1901, was the second national university in China, only after the Imperial University of Peking. Moreover, it was the first university to be established and run in accordance with a chartered constitution. Shandong University comprises 8 campuses in three different cities (Jinan, Qingdao and Weihai), covering an area of over 533 hectares (including 200 hectares of the Qingdao campus). Shandong University is equipped with a full range of academic disciplines, including literature, history, philosophy, economics, management, law, science, engineering, medicine, education, agriculture, and fine arts, and a complete talents cultivation system with the full-time student population totaling up to over 60,000. Shandong University aims to build a high level research-based university with“SDU feature, top-ranking in China, international level”.

山东大学是一所历史悠久、学科齐全、学术实力雄厚、办学特色鲜明,在国内外具有重要影响的教育部直属重点综合性大学。山东大学是中国近代高等教育的起源性大学。其医学学科起源于1864年,开启近代中国高等医学教育之先河。其主体是1901年创办的山东大学堂,是继京师大学堂之后中国创办的第二所国立大学,也是中国第一所按章程办学的大学。 学校规模宏大,实力雄厚。总占地面积8000余亩(含青岛校区约3000亩),形成了一校三地(济南、威海、青岛)的办学格局。山东大学学科齐备,涵盖文学、历史学、哲学、经济学、管理学、法学、理学、工学、医学、教育学、农学、艺术学等12大门类,具有完整的人才培养体系,各类全日制学生6万余人。山东大学的发展目标是建设“山大特色、中国一流、世界水平”的高水平研究型大学。 山东大学是传承中华传统文化最具代表性的大学,拥有国家汉语国际推广基地——中华传统文化研究与体验基地,已与国外大学/机构合作建设了8所海外孔子学院和1所独立孔子课堂,是中国进行汉语国际推广、中华传统文化研究与体验和国际汉语教育人才培养的重镇。

Summer Camp 团组

General Courses 通用课程