立交桥Ⅰ - 湖南大学 - 现代桥梁、桥接你我 —湖南大学“汉语桥”线上夏令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Modern Bridges, Bridging You and Me ---“Chinese Bridge”Online Summer Camp of Hunan University

现代桥梁、桥接你我 —湖南大学“汉语桥”线上夏令营

Overpass Ⅰ


Course Syllabus 课程章节


It is no wonder that many cities in China are keen on building overpasses to ease traffic pressure. Overpass, one of a city's public infrastructures, is an essential part of the efficient transportation system in modern society.Apart from greatly improving transportation efficiency, overpass can also reduce or eliminate the mixing of motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles on the same road, thus improving the overall road safety. Overpasses following the architectural aesthetics are mostly beautiful and magnificent.Viewed at a high altitude, it looks like a complex and exquisite artifact with exquisite curves, injecting blood and power into the city.Since ancient times, Chinese builders have promoted the development of the times and technology with their wisdom and creativity, embodied in the ever-changing city appearance and people’s life.The first modern overpass, in the true sense, in China is Beijing Fuxingmen Overpass, which was built in October 1974, at Fuxingmen, Beijing.Overpass, by building city-wide connection, becomes a new urban aesthetic in an invisible way. China overpass, in its development, witnesses China's economic take-off and historical change, and embodies the fighting spirit of Chinese people who, by cutting a way through when confronted by mountains and building a bridge when blocked by a river, are writing a splendid chapter in the new era.


Course Syllabus


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