主题讲座:工业机器人分类及应用 - 山东理工职业学院 - 搭建中外技能交流桥梁 漫步“中文+机电一体化技术”空间 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Bridge of International Skill Exchange,Gateway to “Chinese + Mechatronics Technology” Zone

搭建中外技能交流桥梁 漫步“中文+机电一体化技术”空间

Classification And Application of Industrial Robots


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This lesson mainly allows everyone to walk into the modern production workshop and learn about a variety of robots, such as handling robots, palletizing robots, welding robots, grinding robots, and understand their applications.


General Courses 通用课程