录播体验课:云操作-未来智造-协作机器人的安装 - 济南职业学院 - 云游美丽好客济职,感受中国制造魅力 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Visiting Beautiful and Hospitable Jinan Vocational College, Enjoy the Glorious Charm of Chinese Manufacturing


Practical Training-Intelligent Manufacturing-Installation of Collaborative Robotics


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The Collaborative Robotics helps students build up their understanding of Franka Emika 7-joint collaborative robots. By learning it's programming, the students can be trained in logical thinking and problem analysis, and improved in their understanding of robotic technology.

智能机器人课程依托Franka Emika7关节人机协作机器人,帮助学生快速建立对机器人理解。通过对机器人编程过程的学习,使学生的逻辑思维能力和问题分析能力得到一定的训练,并在此基础上提高对机器人技术的认识。

General Courses 通用课程