游鹤壁五岩山 识药草与中医 - 鹤壁职业技术学院 - 赏妙手绝技 识神工匠心——走进传统手工技艺 体悟非遗魅力风情 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Appreciate the Extraordinary Skill, Admire the Craftsman Spirit: Enter the Art of Traditional Handicraft, Experience the Charm of Intangible Cultural Heritage

赏妙手绝技 识神工匠心——走进传统手工技艺 体悟非遗魅力风情

Visiting Wuyan Mountain and Learning about the Herbs and Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)

游鹤壁五岩山 识药草与中医

Course Syllabus 课程章节


Wuyan Mountain, formerly known as Sumen Mountain, is located 10 kilometers northwest of Hebi City, Henan Province. It is named for its five valleys and five peaks. Bian Que, a highly skilled doctor in the Warring States period, Ruan Ji and Ji Kang in the Wei-Jin period, Sun Simiao, a famous doctor in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and Li Yan in the Ming Dynasty all visited or lived in seclusion in Wuyan Mountain, bringing glory to this place. Wuyan Mountain is home to more than 200 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine, including rabdosia rubescens, Trichosanthin, Bairen, Polygalae, salvia miltiorrhiza and other herbs. In 2016, Wuyan Mountain was announced as a national AAAA tourist attraction by the Quality Rating Committee of Tourist Attractions in Henan Province.


General Courses 通用课程