云观河南博物院 静听千年文物故事 - 鹤壁职业技术学院 - 赏妙手绝技 识神工匠心——走进传统手工技艺 体悟非遗魅力风情 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Appreciate the Extraordinary Skill, Admire the Craftsman Spirit: Enter the Art of Traditional Handicraft, Experience the Charm of Intangible Cultural Heritage

赏妙手绝技 识神工匠心——走进传统手工技艺 体悟非遗魅力风情

Online Visit to Henan Museum to Listen to the Story of Millennium Cultural Relics

云观河南博物院 静听千年文物故事

Course Syllabus 课程章节


Museums are important palaces for the protection and inheritance of human civilization, as well as bridges connecting the past, present and future. Henan Province has a long history and splendid culture. Henan Museum has a large number of fine cultural relics of full types, high quality and high value. It is a treasure house of culture and art to witness the development trajectory of Chinese civilization and show the evolution of Chinese history. It is also an important window to appreciate the culture of the Central Plains, the Yellow River culture and the Chinese culture. Through the introduction of the historical status of Henan and a number of cultural relics from the Neolithic Age to the Song and Yuan Dynasties, including the nine treasures of Henan Museum, this course allows students to meet with history, and dialogue with cultural relics, starting a journey through the five thousand years of Central Plains culture. It offers an opportunity to explore the mystery of cultural relics displayed in the museum, and feel the unique charm of Central Plains culture.


General Courses 通用课程