逛浚县庙会 赏古风民趣 - 鹤壁职业技术学院 - 赏妙手绝技 识神工匠心——走进传统手工技艺 体悟非遗魅力风情 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Appreciate the Extraordinary Skill, Admire the Craftsman Spirit: Enter the Art of Traditional Handicraft, Experience the Charm of Intangible Cultural Heritage

赏妙手绝技 识神工匠心——走进传统手工技艺 体悟非遗魅力风情

Visiting the Xunxian Temple Fair and Enjoying Folk Customs

逛浚县庙会 赏古风民趣

Course Syllabus 课程章节


Xunxian Temple Fair, which occurs in the first month, is a kind of ancient traditional folk custom and folk culture activity in Xunxian County of Henan Province, known as "the first ancient temple fair in North China". During the event, lively Shehuo performances and various vendor booths attract a flood of people; entertainers add to the fun, and delicious specialties are available everywhere. Gushu (Chinese ballad with drum accompaniment) and shadow play show their respective features and a wide range of plays are accompanied by orchestral music. Canadian scholar Mr. Andrew commented: “Xunxian County Temple Fair is China's Carnival!” In January 2006, Xunxian County Temple Fair was selected into the first intangible cultural heritage list in Henan Province. In November 2014, it was selected into the fourth representative list of national intangible cultural heritage items.

浚县庙会又称浚县正月古庙会,是河南省浚县的一种古老的传统民俗及民间文化活动,有“华北第一古庙会”之称。活动期间民间社火表演热闹非凡,商贩搭棚售货人流如潮;艺人上会助兴,风味餐饮遍布,鼓书皮影各显其能,多种剧种管弦鸣奏……加拿大学者安得里先生评价:“浚县庙会,是中国的狂欢节! ”2006年1月,浚县正月古庙会入选河南省首批非物质文化遗产名录,2014年11月,入选第四批国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目名录。

General Courses 通用课程