云端参访 - 广州华商职业学院 - 品赏粤菜—开启岭南美食文化体验之旅 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Enjoy Cantonese Cuisine- -Start the Lingnan Food Culture Experience Journey


The Online visit


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Online visit consists of two parts: the first part introduces Sun City Hotel, a teaching hotel of the School of Hotel Management of Guangzhou Huashang Vocational College. It is the only teaching hotel in Guangdong Province. The hotel integrates teaching, practical training and operation. Students can practice what they have learned in a virtual working environment and improve their professional skills. The second part introduces the Chinese Cuisine Prosperity Base in Guangzhou Huashang Vocational College. After many years of improvement and development, the base has explored and innovated a number of Cantonese cuisine techniques and developed a variety of Cantonese dishes in researching of Lingnan cuisine, greatly enriching the profound Lingnan cuisine culture.


General Courses 通用课程