主题讲座 - 广州华商职业学院 - 品赏粤菜—开启岭南美食文化体验之旅 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Enjoy Cantonese Cuisine- -Start the Lingnan Food Culture Experience Journey


The theme lecture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The theme lecture is divided into four sub-lectures: the first lecture is about the encounter between history-culture and delicious food, mainly explaining that Chinese food is an inseparable part of Chinese history and culture with a focus on Cantonese food culture in the background of eight traditional Chinese cuisines. From the second to the fourth lecture, three representative branches of Cantonese Cuisine are introduced respectively. The second lecture reveals Guangfu Cuisine, in the name of "Symphony of Flames and Food Stuff"; the third lecture introduces Chaoshan Cuisine, the Soul of Mountain and Sea; the fourth lecture talks about Hakka Cuisine, with a subtitle of Hometown on Alien Land. With the history of the respective development of the Cantonese Cuisine, students would experience the profound origins and continuous improvement of Lingnan cuisine culture in an all-round way.


General Courses 通用课程