领略潍坊当地特色美食----潍坊火烧 - 潍坊职业学院 - 感受中国饮食文化,学习当代中餐礼仪 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Experience Chinese Food Culture and Learn Modern Chinese Dining Manners


Weifang Local Specialty - Weifang Baked Wheaten Cake


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Baked Wheaten Cake is one of the three famous local food in Weifang. It is crispy outside and tender inside, and very tasty but not greasy. Its cooking technique has been approved as a municipal intangible cultural protection project. Weifang Baked Wheaten Cake enjoys a long history and has a wide variety. It is definitely one of the favorite food of the people in Weifang.


General Courses 通用课程