领略潍坊当地特色美食--潍坊萝卜 - 潍坊职业学院 - 感受中国饮食文化,学习当代中餐礼仪 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Experience Chinese Food Culture and Learn Modern Chinese Dining Manners


Weifang Local Specialty - Weifang Radish


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Weihsien radish, also known as Weifang radish, is a famous local product of Weifang and the National Geographic Indication Product of China. Weifang radish has become a famous and excellent local variety at home and abroad because of its unique taste and distinctive regional characteristics. This lesson introduces the characteristics of Weifang radish, and the cooking methods of stir-fried radishes with red chili peppers, radish salad and fried radish balls.


General Courses 通用课程