赛车 02 - 四川交通职业技术学院 - 汉语搭桥,智慧交通—— “中文+云驾驶”观摩与体验 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge, Intelligent Communications Chinese + Online Driving

汉语搭桥,智慧交通—— “中文+云驾驶”观摩与体验

Racing Car 02

赛车 02

Course Syllabus 课程章节


Baja SAE China (BSC) is a domestic automobile design and production competition introduced and initiated by China Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE-China) in 2015. Each team will design and build a small off-road vehicle using the same type of engine in accordance with the rules of the event. The Pathbreaker Racing Team from Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Communications won the national championship at the 2021 Baja SAE China. The first part of the curriculum focuses on the operating principle of some of the key parts and components on the Baja SAE China, which are designed and built by the Pathbreaker Racing Team. The second part of the curriculum introduces the process of manufacture and test of the racer used by the Pathbreaker Racing Team. The third part of the curriculum briefs on the driving theory of racing and the driving effect of racing on the automobile industry.

巴哈大赛是由中国汽车工程学会于 2015 年引进并发起在国内主办的汽车设计和制作竞赛。 各参赛车队按照赛事规则,使用同一型号发动机,设计制造一辆小型越野车。四川交通职业技术学院拓道者车队在2021年巴哈大赛上获得全国总冠军。课程第一部分主要讲解了拓道者车队设计制造的巴哈赛车上部分关键零部件的工作原理。第二部分介绍了拓道者车队赛车制造与测试的流程。第三部分科普了赛车的驾驶理论以及赛车对汽车工业的推动作用。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程