峭壁上的芭蕾——攀岩运动初体验 - 江西应用技术职业学院 - 探索中国文化,开启中文+神秘地质寻宝之旅 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Explore Chinese Culture, Embark on the Journey of “Chinese + Mysterious Geological Treasure Hunt”


Ballet on the Cliff: The First Experience of Rock Climbing


Course Syllabus 课程章节


In this course, the history and development of rock climbing, introduction on competitive rock climbing competition, the security and the do’s & don’ts of rock climbing sports, as well as the development of rock climbing in our college, will be lectured on. Rock climbing which is called as “ballet on the cliff” contains strength, endurance, explosive force, flexibility and coordination and other kinds of physical beauty. It is now accepted as an official event for the National Games, the Asian Games and the Olympic Games, including difficulty rock climbing, speed rock climbing and stone climbing. As a the rock-climbing world champion base, our college has made numerous achievements in the aspects of rock climbing competitions and social contribution, and hence is praised as the cradle of rock climbing in China.



General Courses 通用课程