中国古代故事赏析:盘古开天地 - 江西应用技术职业学院 - 探索中国文化,开启中文+神秘地质寻宝之旅 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Explore Chinese Culture, Embark on the Journey of “Chinese + Mysterious Geological Treasure Hunt”


Appreciation of Chinese Ancient Stories: Pan Gu Separates Heaven from Earth


Course Syllabus 课程章节


China boasts a civilization of 5000 years. Throughout its long historical journey, innumerous fairy tales have been handed down. In this course the oldest Chinese myth——Pan Gu Separates Heaven from Earth, will be told. Pan Gu, who was born in dark chaos, had no way to tolerate darkness, so he hacked at all directions with an ax and split the dark chaos into a world in which the sky is high and the land is vast. To avoid the recombination of sky and land, he continued to wield his magic power. Every time when Pan Gu grew one chi high, the sky got high one chi too. Through 18000 years in this way, Pan Gu became a giant, the sky is too high to be touched and the land became thick enough as well. Pan Gu completes a great deed of creating a world during his lifetime, and leaves a treasure which will never be exhausted to later generations of human beings after his death. Hence, he was respected as a hero worshiped by all people of the Chinese nation.


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