无人机应用技术 - 江西航空职业技术学院 - “中文+航空技能”线上交流团组 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

On Line Communication Group of Chinese and Aerotechnics


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) Application Technology


Course Syllabus 课程章节


With the development of The Times, the generation and development process of UAV is the same as other industrial products of human beings. It is from the initial simple concept, through many setbacks and tests, and through the iterative process of continuous improvement, test, use, improvement, test and re-use, the technology eventually becomes mature. The development of UAVs has experienced more than 100 years, from the initial slow development to today's explosive growth, from the initial military application to the current military and civil fields of comprehensive rapid expansion, UAVs related technology is constantly mature, the cost is constantly falling. In the early and middle stages of UAV development, most of them are used in reconnaissance, monitoring, scientific research and other missions in the military field, so it is difficult to be known. However, in the past 20 years, with the progress of microelectronics components and automatic control technology, as well as the matching flight control algorithm, the small civil UAV with rotorcraft as the main feature has been shining in the field of civil applications. It is widely used in many fields of people's production and life, playing a more outstanding efficiency than the traditional way. The purpose of learning the course "Introduction to UAV" is to develop the UAV industry. With the rapid development of UAV technology and the continuous expansion of the application of UAV industry, there is an obvious shortage of UAV talents in China. Introduction to Drones is the first course to enter this major. As an important part of aviation, this course allows students to establish a macro and comprehensive understanding of drones. Learning Introduction to UAV is to lay a good technical foundation for further study of professional knowledge and business work in the future. In addition, UAV is an important branch of aviation, so the introduction of UAV and aviation have a lot in common in the basic flight principle, body structure characteristics, power devices, technical equipment and so on. In the course Introduction to UAVs, there's a lot of emphasis on these aspects of introduction to aviation. In order to meet the needs of young UAV learners who have just entered the UAV field, the content of this course is concise, easy to understand, and the principles and formulas are quoted moderately. Through the study of this course, students can take a steady first step into the field of UAV.





General Courses 通用课程