Jiangxi Aviation Vocational and Technical College



On Line Communication Group of Chinese and Aerotechnics


The Online Group of “Chinese Bridge” is a funded project, which aims to enhance the communication of Chinese and foreign language education, promote the exchange and development of Chinese and foreign culture, and advance the process of internationalization of education. Jiangxi Aeronautical Institute was set up in October, 1956. It has a close relationship with AVIC Hongdu (subordinate to China Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd.), which is the birthplace of the first aircraft and the first coastal defense missile of the PRC, so it has obvious resource advantages. Our school stimulates the interest of foreign students in learning Chinese by imparting basic knowledge of Chinese, disseminating the history of Chinese aviation and excellent members of aviation (such as the story of heroic captain Liu Chuanjian). At the same time, our school uses the different network forms (such as online education, live interaction, expert lectures, etc. to vividly lead foreign students to appreciate the charm of Chinese culture and Chinese aviation by developed network. So that foreign students have a understanding of the breadth and depth of Chinese language and the prosperity of Chinese aviation culture. The successful project approval of the “Chinese Bridge” online group communication project will be an important affirmation of our school’s development. In the process of teaching, we will maintain our true to our original aspiration original intention and forge ahead. Step into Chinese aviation and spread the Chinese strength!




Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程